
By Nutz on 20:35

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Every now and again, daddy's, after a long day of bringing home the bacon, need to get a nice beverage and prop their feet up. Well a couple of weeks ago, a fellow father of mine brought me a nice bottle of Bulliet Bourbon. A nice gift and we go back and forth with cigars and whiskey. However we do need to make a point of getting together and drinking and smoking, that however will be another entry.
So a little about Bulliet. The bottle is interesting and has a cork stopper. When you sniff the golden liquid, you can smell the alcohol. You can also smell and taste the oak. On initial sip, it is almost a little too strong then the flavor mellows to a buttery flavor. I am guessing this would go well with a nice Maduro.
So would i buy this for myself. Well i am a fan or Crown Royal, Jameson and of course some good 30yr old scotch. But then again i am reaching out and trying new things. So one never knows.

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